
Shamelessly a huge multishiper and huge fan of polyamory

Ships I LOVE

In no particular order and without regards to the “top/bottom” name ordering scheme…

AmeIta, Itapan, Itager, GerItaPan, GerPan, RusAme, AmeLiet, AmePan, LietPol, PruLiet, PruMano, SpaMano, Frain, SpaPru, BFT as a ship, BFT + UK, FrUK, SpaUk, PruAus, PruHun, AusPruHun

Ships I LIKE

In no particular order and without regards to the “top/bottom” name ordering scheme…

GerAus, PruCan, SuFin, RusPru, PruIta, SpaIta, AsaKiku, FraIta, RoChu