Kins & Fav Characters
I relate strongly to a lot of characters and usually end up adopting their name at some point, but "doubles" have never bothered me, and I don't really care if you also see a yourself in a character! I get a little picky about characterizations, though, but I ususally keep that to myself and am pretty open minded about headcanons.
(More to come soon, I have WAY more favs to yap about!)

I've always related a lot to Italy, from his consistent silly, airheaded characterization, to how he interacts with his friends often being similar to my interactions with my own. I also have a lot of little headcanons for him as well. I ususally headcanon Italy as transfemme, and think he uses he/she pronouns. As for how I draw her, ususally I will give her (and Romano) a tanner complextion, much curlier hair, and sometimes I will draw his hair longer or shorter just depending on the day. I am a transfemme Italy TRUTHER because shes just such a silly girl to me and I love Italy a lot. I don't really know how he'd label his gender besides just being transfeminine, but I'd consider her maybe like.. genderqueer to be honest. This is gonna be a pattern for how I headcanon my kins honestly. I ususally just call myself a trans man but I have kind of a complicated relationship with gender, and the label "queer" ususally resonates with me more due to it's vagueness. Simularly, I find it easier to more accurately describe my gender through abstract concepts rather than through it's relation to the binary. Because of this, my kins have a weird variety of gender identity headcanons. Anyway, I love Italy, who grew up from a gender neutral chibi thing, into a genderqueer guygirl thing.

Canada is more of a recent kin of mine. While I have always liked his character and found him silly, I didn't really realize how he resonated with me until my second time around getting into Hetalia. He's quiet and comes off shy and reserved, but really has a plethora of strong emotions, positive and negative, about a lot of things, which he has difficulties voicing. I relate to this a lot and also he's just literally me. I like to spell his name the French way because I'm insane and I've used Matthieu as my nickname in like most video games recently. Before this, I would use Feli or Vargas but my brain has shifted towards this Canadian man and it just is what it is now. I don't really headcanon him as genderfluid but the way I view his gender tends to be kind of fluid in relation to whether I'm feeling particularly more masculine or feminine lol. I love Canada and Nyo!Canada and wish I could get into more headcanons but nothings really coming to mind right now. I like to casually enjoy a lot of different contradicting headcanons other people make about him but I haven't really adopted a whole lot as my own.. If I think of some, I'll share them here, though.